Dr.Brian Evans
Plastic Surgery

By Jeffery Perry 19 Apr, 2017
Let's skip formal introductions and get straight to the basics: when you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not take any risks against the health of your child. We have no evidence that the combination of Botox and pregnancy will harm you or your child, and given the safe nature of Botox it probably won't, but why would you take any risk at all when Botox is an optional cosmetic treatment? While we have no evidence that Botox during pregnancy will cause any harm, we simply do not have enough evidence to justify such a practice. We likely never will, as ethical implications make it problematic to study an elective treatment that is not necessary to your health during pregnancy.

Is Botox Dangerous in General?

Generally speaking, Botox is not dangerous, but it's important to recognize that there is always at least a small risk with any medical practice. We consider a procedure safe when the associated risks are very low and tend to be mild. Such is the case with cosmetic Botox and Dysport. Problems with Botox are usually limited to disappointing cosmetic results such as the forehead or "Botox freeze," which can usually be avoided by choosing an experienced cosmetic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic facial procedures and has performed hundreds of Botox treatments. In turn, you must listen to your doctor's advice and not ask him or her to give you more treatment than recommended. Since Botox results are temporary, this is not a major problem, and it is one that can be avoided with a qualified specialist physician.

There is a concern about a rare but potentially serious complication if Botox is used to treat small children with cerebral palsy, but this has never been observed with cosmetic applications where smaller doses are used and the FDA's own Dr. Unger has stated that this risk may be zero.

So where does that leave us? We have seen that Botox is remarkably safe and effective, making it an ideal treatment option for many people with problems like forehead lines and overactive facial muscles. But does this mean we condone Botox for pregnant women? Absolutely not! While we have no evidence that Botox will harm either you or your child, we simply do not have evidence to confidently say that it does not. Before we can do that, we will need hard scientific data from controlled research studies, but we likely will never have that, because conducting such a study is unethical.

Please Wait to Get Botox Treatment

We do not condone any unproven treatment, including Botox during breastfeeding or pregnancy, because we don't want to find out if there is a risk. Wait until you are no longer pregnant and are finished breastfeeding to seek treatment with Botox or really any cosmetic service. Please by an adult about this and "conveniently forgetting" to tell your doctor that you might be pregnant just because it's "probably okay." This is irresponsible and believe it or not, some would argue that it is a reckless act tantamount to child endangerment. You will not be pregnant forever, so please wait until you know that there is absolutely no risk of hurting your child before you get Botox. Botox can dramatically enhance your appearance under the right circumstances, so it is something to keep in the back of your mind to consider after you have given birth and are no longer breastfeeding. At that time ethical practitioners will be happy to help.

Dr. Brian Evans is a board certified doctor with expert training in both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, so he understands the complex anatomy and needs of the face. He is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center and San Joaquin Community Hospital.
Dr. Brian Evans provides a thorough first consultation to understand the requirements of patients.
Visit him here:  http://www.drbrianevansplasticsurgery.com/meet-dr-evans.html
By Jeffery Perry 15 Apr, 2017
Let's face it; otoplasty can be an awkward surgery to recover from. Whether you have had cosmetic or functional otoplasty, you'll have to deal with cumbersome bandages, bad hair days, and a bit of misery before you can enjoy your new set of ears. Often times it is children who undergo the procedure at a fairly young age. The parents will need to be prepared for a few tears and tantrums (especially if it's summer time since the pool will be off limits). Recovery varies by individual and the specific procedure, but here are the basics stated by Dr. Brian Evans of post operative care that need to be followed.

Immediately following surgery, the patient will be still under the effects of anesthesia. They may feel disoriented, tired, and light-headed. Some people have more severe reactions to anesthesia which include extreme nausea, which must be kept under control with medication to avoid side effects such as vomiting. Since the patient will feel quite "out of it," the caretaker should take precaution to make them as comfortable as possible for the ride home. Have a soft pillow or blanket ready for them, as they just might fall dead asleep even on a short trip.

Once you've brought the patient home, help them to get comfortable and lie down to allow them plenty or sleep. Ensure they have some extra thick pillows under their head in order to keep it elevated and encourage proper blood circulation. If you haven't at this point, fill in any prescriptions the surgeon has given you. If you are dealing with small children, it is advised to provide some quiet, entertaining activities in case they become restless and try to move too much. Movies, calming music, or some comic books can usually keep them content and sedentary.

The first two weeks following otoplasty are the most uncomfortable due to inevitable side effects which will include swelling, tenderness, bruising, and sometimes fluid drainage. The head may feel a bit stuffed up as well. If other symptoms develop, such as bleeding or fever, a doctor should be contacted immediately as these could be signs of a serious complication like infection. There is normally not too much pain that can't be controlled by prescribed medication or even over the counter pain killers; however, children may find the pressure to be a bit uncomfortable.

After otoplasty, the ears are dressed in bandages for up to a week. It is important to keep the area dry and refrain from touching the bandages. Allow the surgeon to remove the dressing once you return for your first post op visit. If everything is still going smoothly during the follow up, the surgeon will provide a removable bandage for the ear to wear while sleeping for further protection. This may have to be worn for many weeks until the surgeon gives you further instructions.

Most people return to normal activities within two weeks of many otoplasty procedures, but will require another four to six before strenuous activities like exercise may be resumed, at which point precautions to protect the ears should still be taken.

Dr. Brian Evans is a Board-certified plastic surgeon whose private medical practice has been divided between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and the care of the burn-injured patient.
At Brian Evans Plastic Surgery Clinic he aims to increase the confidence of patients and to improve their appearance by performing procedures of a high standard. A thorough first consultation is scheduled to understand the requirements of patients before procedures are performed. His services include the surgical reshaping or augmentation of facial features such as Otoplasty, facelift and surgical body sculpting procedures such as breast augmentation, Tummy Tuck, stem cell therapy, surgery for skin cancer and wound care surgery.
Call (818) 676-4001

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By Jeffery Perry 11 Apr, 2017
Moles are, medically speaking, clusters of pigmented cells, which can make their presence on any part of the body. Most moles are harmless, even though adult women can even have around 40 on their body. In some cases, some moles can become cancerous and should be treated immediately. Because some of the moles can cause a very dangerous type of skin cancer, known as melanoma, patients with suspicious moles should get in touch with a professional surgeon as soon as possible.

Removal of moles may be done through advanced medical interventions. Moles can cause physical discomfort (caused by friction with clothing or even by their presence in sensitive areas of the body) or look unsightly. The strongest motivation is for people with atypical moles, because they can eventually cause cancer.

If you want to know how a malignant mole looks like, you should know that it is usually composed of two asymmetrical halves that do not overlap perfectly. As for the edges, they are usually poorly defined and irregular, while the surface is composed of many colors or colors that change over time. Finally, large moles or moles whose diameter has increased in time can also present risks.

There are three basic types of interventions that are performed by Dr. Brian Evans for removing moles. Before choosing one of them, however, you should carefully discuss every single aspect with your doctor, who will be able to recommend you something suitable for your body.

First, the surgical excision is done under local anesthesia and involves excision of the mole with a scalpel. Patients whose moles are flat will feel less pain, because the operation will be easier. Excision is followed by suturing the wound and examining the excised fragment in a specialized laboratory to determine its nature.

The second method is known as electrocautery and is also used for removing moles that are dangerous for the body. The first step is numbing the skin with an anesthetic substance, after which the mole is removed from the surface of the skin using a special substance. Sutures are not necessary and, what is even more important, there is no scar left on the patient's body, but this depends on the size and location of the mole.

Finally, the laser treatment is probably the most advanced technology, but is normally limited to superficial small moles. It is one of the most used methods, but such a device is not currently able to reach a deep layer of the skin, which is necessary for removing the entire mole. What you should also know is that the only way to remove hairs growing from moles is through the second type of intervention, the complete excision.

Cosmetic surgery such as mole removal surgery can greatly enhance the quality of your life. If you have a mole that needs attention, don't hesitate to address it immediately, just visit Dr. Brian Evans Plastic Surgery West Hills, CA Clinic today.
Contact (818) 676-4001 today for more information about mole removal
Also visit here:  http://www.drbrianevansplasticsurgery.com
By Jeffery Perry 08 Apr, 2017
Laser skin remodeling is often known as chemical skin peeling or resurfacing and is one of the most modern methods of skin remodeling. The technique became very popular among anti-aging treatment methods. Laser skin remodeling is different from traditional peeling because it exfoliates the skin in addition to creating a process of evaporation at the top layer level.

As part of this intervention, the top layer of the skin is removed by concentrating the energy generated by a pulsed beam of laser to areas with imperfections. Some types of lasers have a light that is able to penetrate several layers of the epidermis. The skin correction system has the benefit of directing the laser light fascicles deeper into the skin, absorbing collagen by stimulating cells with reparative functions in the skin tissue.

The intervention used to restore the skin structure and surface reduces the unsightly appearance of the skin, while the warmth of the light beams cause contraction of collagen. The main purpose of remodeling the skin is to provide a smoother aspect, as well as restoring firmness and texture and uniform its tone.

In the last decade advanced aesthetic lasers allowed doctors to reduce the effects of skin aging and other unsightly marks, including scars using both ablative and nonablative laser procedures. Old methods, however, were mainly based on traditional chemical peeling and were extremely painful for the patient.

On the other hand, modern methods of skin remodeling use five types of lasers for obtaining the desired results. The most common technology is based on a carbon dioxide laser scanning technology. In addition to this, the advanced medical techniques nowadays can also scan the surface of the skin and create an exact digital 3D copy, in order for the doctor to examine the area carefully.

Each of the treatments performed with these devices is based on the principles of selective photothermolysis, auctioning by selective vaporization of the tissue containing water. The advantages of laser devices for the peeling procedure are numerous. For example, the laser used is a very precise instrument that provides a beam of light capable of penetrating the deepest skin layers.

Furthermore, it also stimulates the production of a new layer of collagen fibers in the epidermis. The irregular collagen layer is replaced with new collagen and elastin cells. Finally, the effects of laser ablation are also defined by the use of a pure material without thermal damage for the skin.

Further you can consult with Dr. Brian Evans , a board certified plastic and recontructive surgeon practicing in West Hills, California. Dr. Evans's background is wide and varied. He received his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. He is one of 4 doctors at Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center and one of 11 at San Joaquin Community Hospital who specialize in Plastic Surgery.
Contact Brian Evans Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation in West Hills Hosptial & Medical center
Or go online at: http://www.drbrianevansplasticsurgery.com/meet-dr-evans.html

By Jeffery Perry 31 Mar, 2017
Breasts can be modeled with fatty tissue as well, which is quite abundant in the case of most patients seeking this intervention. Some specialists perform liposuction combined with breast reduction in order to obtain the desired results. This method is successful only in selected cases in which the breast is composed mainly of fatty tissue.

Breast fat transfer is addressed to weaker patients as well, particularly the ones who undergo breast surgery augmentation with silicone implants. With the introduction of fat to these levels, every problem related to the edges of the implant will be solved.

Lately there have been a wide range of international efforts for finding a suitable method of breast augmentation by autologous fat transfer (microlipofiling). The surgeons collected large amounts of fat from other areas and introduced those using small tubes in the bilateral part of the breasts. The operation is very thorough, however, taking for about 6-7 hours. In addition to this, the results were inconsistent for most patients. Usually the procedure must be repeated to obtain satisfactory results. There are many followers of this procedure because it is very expensive and the results are not up to expectations.

Breast fat transfer is normally applicable for patients with excess fatty tissue that can be collected from their body, transferred and eventually grafted to the breast. Breast reduction surgery is also indicated if you are also looking to change the size of your breasts in order to avoid tumor at a later stage. The obvious disadvantage of this intervention is that permanent scars will be left.

As for the contraindications for this method, patients should be aware that they might be exposed to serious blood and skin diseases. Such aspects should be discussed in detail with the surgeon before surgery is performed. Breast fat transfer seems like a dangerous method, but it is usually regarded as a risk-free intervention. The only risks are those that are common to any surgery performed under anesthesia and include excessive bleeding, hematoma, infection and temporary lack of sensitivity in certain operated areas.

The surgery can last from several minutes to 6-7 hours, depending on workload and techniques chosen. In addition to this, reshaping the breast contour is an optional intervention that can take up to 15 minutes. A greater or less risk of resorption of transplanted fat will be experienced by patients, but usually the amount dissolved is about 30-50% of fat will resolve.

Visit Brian Evans Plastic Surgery Clinic today!
Dr. Brian is a plastic surgeon in West Hills, California and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center and San Joaquin Community Hospital. He has assembled a team of plastic surgeons and skin care specialists to perform procedures such as Breast Enahancment and Liposuction in Thousand Oaks to provide patients with comprehensive aesthetic care. Don’t wait; call our office at (818) 676-4001 today!
Also visit here: https://brianevansplasticsurgery.wordpress.com/

By Jeffery Perry 23 Mar, 2017
If diet and exercise fail to deliver the desired petite waistline, you need a tummy tuck surgery. But, the more pertinent question is, which type of abdominoplasty surgery will deliver the slimming and attractive abs? Several types of tummy tuck surgery are available in today's age. You need to select the best-suited one to get the most rewarding results, right? This article explores these types in thorough detail.

Traditional Tummy Tuck:
This is most common type of abdominoplasty surgery. It is ideal for women who have a significant amount of loose skin around mid-portion. Since the incision can be from hip-to-hip. Or it can be a vertical incision. Either way, a surgeon uses liposuction to remove fat across abs and tightens the skin effectively. The recovery period for this surgery is 2 to 4 weeks.

Mini Tummy Tuck:
If the loose skin is moderate, then most surgeons recommend this type of surgery. Its single and small incision is sizably smaller than traditional abdominoplasty surgery as well. Once the incision is made, a surgeon will remove minor loose skin and excess fat. Then, remaining skin is pulled tautly to zip up the incision. Since the incision is smaller than the traditional version, the recovery period can be as short as 1 week.

Extended Tummy Tuck:
In layman terms, this surgery is used to eliminate love handles. Excess fat and sagging skin around the side of waist and stomach can be undertaken through this surgery. Typically, an incision is lower. Thus, it can be significantly less visible. This operation may require an overnight stay in the cosmetic surgery clinic for a day or two based on the details of the procedure. But, it covers significantly larger portion. Thus, a surgeon can remove excessive fat and lose skin from stomach, waist and hips. The recovery period can be 4 weeks.

Circumferential Tummy Tuck:
As the name suggests, the incision in this surgery is across the waistline. Thus, it enables a cosmetic surgeon to remove sizably more portion of sagging skin and excessive fat. With liposuction, fat can be removed from stomach, back and hips. It can be used to remove fat from thighs too. This is recommended when a person has undergone a significant amount of weight loss. Therefore, a candidate needs to regain body contours three dimensionally. The tightened look across the 3 dimensions can be very rewarding experience.

A potential candidate must know about endoscopic tummy tuck, panniculectomy, and high lateral tension tummy tuck too. Though, these are not as commonly undertaken, they are available for the right candidates.

If you are considering Abdominoplasty Surgery, you can discuss all your issues with Dr. Brian Evans MD . Mr. Evans is a plastic surgeon in West Hills, California and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center and San Joaquin Community Hospital. He received his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. Brian Evans Plastic Surgery private medical practice has been divided between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and the care of the burn-injured patient.

Call (818) 676-4001
Or visit here:  http://www.drbrianevansplasticsurgery.com
By Jeffery Perry 04 Mar, 2017
It is extremely hazardous to drive after general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Please arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours. The effects of anesthesia can remain in your body as long as 24 hours. After surgery, plan to rest for 24 hours. Avoid straining and stooping. Sleeping with the head elevated on two pillows decreases the amount of bruising and swelling. After surgery you may take liquids such as soup, tea, soft drinks, or Jell-O. Gradually progress to a soft diet and then to a regular diet over the next 24 hours as tolerated

Fill your prescriptions and take your post-operative medications as directed. If you should become nauseated or develop a rash, call your plastic surgery office. You may resume your regular medications unless your doctor directs otherwise. However, avoid aspirin and aspirin-containing products for two weeks before and after surgery. Remember, many herbal supplements adversely affect the clotting process and actively cause bruising and bleeding. These should be stopped two weeks before surgery and may be resumed two weeks afterwards. Avoid alcohol until post-operative medications are finished. Many surgeons do not recommend taking mega doses of vitamins in excess of the normal daily requirement (which is more than adequately met by a normal balanced diet). Please discontinue this form of medication for two weeks before and after surgery unless you are being treated for a specific deficiency. One multivitamin tablet per day is permissible, however.

A chinstrap or tape must be worn for one week. You may shower and shampoo. Avoid strenuous activity for two weeks after surgery. However, walking is encouraged. Do not drive for one week and never while taking pain medication. You may wear makeup after checking with your doctor. It is vital that you do not smoke after surgery to avoid respiratory and wound healing complications. Avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen over the suture lines when it cannot be avoided. You may notice a change in sensation over the chin and lower lip. This is common and will return to normal within 2 to 4 months. The scar will be red for approximately six months and then begin to fade and soften.

A moderate amount of swelling and bruising is common. It will take several weeks before you can see the final result. If you have unusual or severe pain or swelling (especially on one side of your face or neck), bleeding from the dressing or any other concerns, do not hesitate to contact your surgeon's office. Someone in the office will likely call you the day after surgery to check on your condition and answer any questions you might have. You can probably reach your surgeon or a staff member around the clock by calling. These instructions are not intended to cover every possible problem that could arise. Good judgment on your part is essential for a good result.

Brian Evans Plastic Surgery Clinic in West Hills, California is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center and San Joaquin Community Hospital.

Call today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Brian Evans. He has assembled a team of plastic surgeons and skin care specialists to perform procedures such as breast augmentation in Thousand Oaks to provide patients with comprehensive aesthetic care. Don’t wait; call our office at (818) 676-4001 or visit us here: http://www.drbrianevansplasticsurgery.com

By Jeffery Perry 27 Feb, 2017
Children are truly one of life's greatest joys. However when you have a baby, weight gain and changes in your body occur that can be very distressing and often impossible to correct with diet and exercise alone. While controlling weight gain and working out can improve your body after having children, somebody changes do not recover no matter how hard you try. Fortunately a modern Plastic Surgery procedure called the Mommy Makeover can help you get in shape after pregnancy and recover your original body. The Mommy Makeover is designed to restore the shape of your Breasts and Tummy after changes that have occurred during and after having a baby.

How Your Body Changes after Having Children.

There are a host of normal physiological changes that occur in your body when you have a baby. The most frustrating changes for many mothers however occur in the Breasts and Abdomen or Tummy. Following the cessation of breast feeding the Breast Gland (Mammary Gland) atrophies and becomes smaller and sags down on the chest wall. In addition, the skin of the abdomen becomes loose and sags downward and can develop stretch marks. In addition, in many people there is excess fat under the Tummy skin and Flank area. These changes can persist even after weight loss and conditioning through diet, exercise and working out.

Mammary Ptosis is the formal word for Sagging Breast when the Nipple Aereola is below the Inframammary Fold, the fold beneath your breast. When the Nipple Areola is above the Inframammary Fold but the Breast Gland sags below the fold the condition is called Glandular Ptosis.

Abdominal laxity is the term used to describe sagging of the lower Abdomen or Tummy. In some people the two Abdominal Muscles that form the "six pack" split or separate, a condition called Diastasis Recti, which is a separation of the two muscles named Rectus Abdominus.

Stretch marks, red or pink areas of thin skin on the Tummy, are formally called Abdominal Striae.

Muffin Top or Excess Flank Fat is the fullness and your sides above your hips, which can protrude over a belt or tight fitting pants. Flank fat is often very difficult to lose after having a baby.

What Causes Breast, Tummy and Body Changes after Having a Baby.

Breast Atrophy - Loss-During pregnancy a portion of your Brain called the Pituitary Gland secretes Hormones which stimulate your Breast Gland to enlarge and begin producing milk. After the cessation of Breast Feeding hormonal stimulation stops and the Mammary Gland involutes or atrophies and becomes smaller. The loss of Breast Fullness is called Post-Partum Mammary Atrophy.

Mammary Ptosis - The skin around the Mammary Gland is stretched by the enlargement during pregnancy. However the skin does not tighten in many people after Post-Partum Mammary Atrophy has occurred. With less Breast Tissue inside an enlarged skin envelope the Gland sags, not unlike letting air out of a balloon.

Abdominal Laxity - The Abdominal Skin is stretched to make room for the baby. After delivery the skin does shrink and tighten but often not back to the original shape of the Tummy. When adequate shrinkage has not occurred the remaining loose skin sags down onto the lower Tummy.

Excess Flank Fat - The Fat around the waist or flank area is one of the most difficult to lose after pregnancy. This area called the "muffin top" is very frustrating when you want to wear clothing that reveals the midriff or waist area.

Stretch marks - Stretch marks or Striae are caused by rupture or breakage of deep skin collagen which is caused by the stretching of the abdominal skin during pregnancy. This damage to the deep skin layer called the Dermis results in redness and thinning of the skin in the area.

What Is A Mommy Makeover?

The term Mommy Makeover can be applied to a variety of different Plastic Surgery procedures designed to get your shape back after pregnancy. However, most commonly Mommy Makeover refers to procedures done to restore the Breast and Tummy to their pre pregnancy appearance. Most commonly a Breast Lift and or Breast Augmentation with Implants and some form of Tummy Tuck are done.

Breast Lift-Dermal Mastopexy - This procedure is designed to correct sagging.There are many different varieties including the Anchor, Lollipop, Periareolar, Crescent, Circumareolar, Donut, and Benelli Lifts.

Breast Augmentation with Implants - Breast Implants can be used to restore the fullness and cleavage lost after Post-Partum Mammary Atrophy. For a thorough discussion of Breast Augmentation consult Dr. Brian Evans a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.

Tummy Tuck - Tummy Tuck can restore the Abdomen to a nice flat shape. Full Tummy Tuck requires moving the "belly button", while a Mini Tummy Tuck or Bikini Tuck only requires skin excision below the Navel and a scar hidden below the underwear or Bikini.

Liposuction - When necessary Liposuction can be performed as part of a Mommy Makeover to remove the "muffin top" or excess fat above the Navel in patients who are candidates for a Mini Tummy Tuck.

Laser Treatment of Stretch Marks - Recently a new Laser Treatment for Stretch Marks that actually helps has been developed. It involves the use of a specific laser called a Non ablative 1540 Fractional Erbium laser. Stretch marks are made smaller and white but do not disappear entirely.

What Is the Recovery Time after Mommy Makeover?

Week one - During the first week after Mommy Makeover you will be sore. The tightening of the abdomen can cause discomfort if you straighten up your posture, so you will be walking bent over for a few days. You may have drains which are usually removed day one or two after which you can shower. We encourage you to walk to prevent blood clots in the legs.
Week two - You will feel much better the second week and can usually return to work that does not require lifting by the end of the second week.
Week three - At three weeks most patients are back at work and many can start exercising again. If you had the repair of a Diastasis Recti you cannot do sit ups until six weeks and only if cleared to do so by your Doctor.
Week Six - By six weeks you should be enjoying your new body and your surgery should become a distant memory.
Three Months - By three months the nearly final results of Liposuction should be seen.
Six months - By six months any incisions should be matured and white.

Who Should Do Your Mommy Makeover?

Only a Plastic Surgeon Certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery should perform this complex procedure. Experience is very important, especially when multiple procedures are done at the same operation.

With an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with whom you feel comfortable, the Mommy Makeover can be a very satisfying procedure and help you regain your shape after pregnancy.

Dr. Brian Evans is a plastic surgeon in West Hills, California and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center and San Joaquin Community Hospital.
If you are considering a Mommy Makeover procedure, Dr Brian Evans of Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates is a rare and uniquely qualified plastic surgeon whose private medical practice has been divided between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and the care of the burn-injured patient. Contact our plastic surgery center 818-665-3585 in West Hills Hosptial & Medical center today for further information about tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedures.

Learn more about other surgical procedures such as Rhinoplasty (nose job), Facelift, Blepharoplasty (eye lift), Butt lift, Breast augmentation (breast enhancement, enlargement, or reduction), Tummy tuck, Liposuction please visit here: http://drbrianevansmd.wixsite.com/blog/
By Jeffery Perry 22 Feb, 2017
There are a lot of facial enhancing procedures introduced over the decades, but one of which that provides dramatic change and improvement is a chin augmentation procedure. If you want to create facial balance and stronger features, then this cosmetic procedure is exactly what you would need. But of course not anyone is immediately accepted as a patient, because it is important that you pass as a good candidate to be one.

For you to be considered to be a candidate for this surgery, or any other for that matter, you need to be of generally good health. You might ask why when all they would be working on is your chin. But the rationale for such a requirement is that no matter how minor a procedure might be but as long as it's invasive, it is important to ensure that your body can handle the trauma. For instance your clotting ability might be altered if you are a smoker or an alcohol drinker. Those who have undernourished skin might also have healing problems. Therefore it is a surgeon's responsibility to make sure that your body can withstand the procedure to avoid complications.

Another important factor that would be in play is the condition of your chin. Is it too pointy, is it drawn back too much, or did it lose definition due to surrounding fats? This is a perfect condition for improvement. A very meticulous surgeon like Dr. Brian Evans would give an assessment as to how to improve the shape and projection of your chin. But even those who don't have any marked irregularities but simply wants to improve the shape of their face can also undergo this procedure after thorough assessment.

For this procedure, you also need to open your mind to possibilities of other accompanying procedures that might be suggested by the surgeon. This is due to the reason that this can create an overall dramatic improvement. The surgeon might suggest that you get a neck lift, face lift, a chin liposuction or a cheek liposuction. These are the common procedures that go well with a chin augmentation procedure.

If you are seriously considering a chin augmentation surgery, you also need to be prepared financially. Yes, it doesn't come cheap, but for credible service credible clinics give reasonable prices. So make sure that you are well cover for up until your recovery period.

Although it is an enhancing procedure, you also need to come to terms that perfection is not an option. But you will definitely see significant improvements. A good surgical candidate for any cosmetic procedure should be mentally and emotionally prepared to come to terms with realistic results.

So overall, aside from improving your facial anatomy, a chin augmentation surgery also gives the patient better confidence. So if you thing that you got those things mentioned above, you are pretty much set up to go with the procedure. This cosmetic surgery procedure will definitely give you the best results, especially when all factors fall into place.

Brian Evans Plastic Surgery Clinic aims to increase the confidence of patients and to improve their appearance by performing Chin Augmentation procedures of a high standard. A thorough first consultation is scheduled to understand the requirements of patients before procedures are performed. Other services provided include the surgical reshaping or augmentation of facial features and breasts, surgical body sculpting procedures, stem cell therapy, surgery for skin cancer and wound care surgery.
Call (818) 676-4001 for consultation today!

To learn more about other surgical procedures such as Rhinoplasty (nose job), Facelift, Blepharoplasty (eye lift), Butt lift, Breast augmentation (breast enhancement, enlargement, or reduction), Tummy tuck, Liposuction please visit here: http://brianevansmd.freeblog.site/

By Jeffery Perry 18 Feb, 2017
Laser surgery is the best way to go about cosmetic mole removal. This method is done when a mole interferes with a person's life. If you have a mole on your face or other prominent area that is troubling you, you can have it surgically removed with laser surgery. Consult Dr. Brian Evans a Board Certified plastic surgeon for the best guidance. It is usually painless and the mole will be gone.

If you have a flat mole that is troubling you and you want to try to fade it, you can try to use a bleaching cream to lighten it up. This may work to not remove the mole, as the mole is imbedded in the skin, but it will at least fade the mole so that it is not as noticeable. For the most part, to completely get rid of the mole you are better off to see a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist.

The younger you are when you get the mole removed; the less of a scar there will be when you get older. At first, there may be a slight lightening of the skin during cosmetic mole removal, but it will fade over time. Many people feel that it is better to cover up a small white discoloration than the mole, especially if the mole is very large.

Most cosmetic mole surgery is performed on children who have rather disfiguring moles that are on their face. As you can imagine, this can hamper their self esteem and make them feel as though they do not want to go out of the house. Parents may feel that their children will be teased by other kids if they have a disfiguring mole on the face. For this reason, cosmetic mole removal is often performed. The as the child gets older, the area where the mole was once located will gradually fade so that the area is hardly noticeable. As he child grows into an adult, it may not be noticeable at all. This depends on the size of the mole, how deep it was imbedded into the skin and how it was removed. In order to minimize any scarring at all, laser surgery is usually performed to for cosmetic mole removal.

Cosmetic mole removal is done purely for cosmetic purposes. In most cases, people are born with these moles that end up hampering their appearance. Moles on other parts of the body, unless they are very noticeable, are often left alone.

A suspicious looking mole may be examined by a dermatologist and removed with punch biopsy to check for cancer cells, although this is extremely rare, if not non-existent in children. Some doctors will recommend cosmetic mole removal for moles that are atypical just as a precaution so that the mole does not turn into a problem later in life.

Cosmetic surgery such as mole removal surgery can greatly enhance the quality of your life. If you have a mole that needs attention, don't hesitate to address it immediately, just visit Brian Evans Plastic Surgery at West Hills, CA clinic today.
Contact Dr. Brian Evans 818-665-3585 today for more information about mole removal

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